Image of Hunter Unger

Hunter Unger

Business Development Manager

GPS is one of those technologies we now commonly run in the background, we can't hardly imagine life without the humbling but time-saving benefit of getting politely bossed around by a smartphone while navigating uncertain territory. Tech-savvy Hunter Hunger is the company Business Development Manager, and the equivalent of an indispensable technical helper. In fact, some of his contributions include maps and other creative illustrations of floorplans and graphic designs to help customers to find their way into a home built by Hunter Residential Developments. He's a digital native and his agreeable personality makes him a de facto trouble-shooter when employees are spinning their wheels with technical challenges. He's a trusty guy whos main functions keep him in the background in the workplace, but his extroverted personality has him abandoning background technical tasks to seek out face-to-face connections outside of work with college friends and members of his church and mission community. Hunter is also easily drawn into nature to navigate off-road trails in his Jeep. He lives up to his name while on his journeys into the Rockies. He is on the hunt and ready to shoot, armed with a DSLR and drone to peacefully capture the beauty of the wild places west of Calgary.

The Team at Hunter Residential Developments

When they’re respected, free to create solutions on their own, and can see how their work directly affects results, employees tend to work smarter. Customers reap the benefits with better service and a higher-quality product, plus a happy interaction with our team. The Hunter culture is the sum of these personalities, strengths and points of view. We respect common sense, and together we enjoy a uniquely gratifying commitment to service.